Contest 36 S - Private boat
All included
From Є160
2 people Є 320 euros per day
(Є 160 per person)
2 people
1 couple
From Mariana Airport to Marseille, 110km = 1 hour by car, Captain Gabriel
will be at the Airport awaiting your arrival. This transport will be done in the car
Captain's private will cost Є 25 per person.
Check in: to be agreed
Check out: to be arranged
Captain & Crew
Gabriel and Monika. Gabriel is an Aeronautical Engineer born in Brazil, who can use his charm in both interesting and complicated situations. It leaves no stone unturned and no problem unsolved. His determination to follow a sailing dream led him on a journey of discovery and adventure, as captain of his own ship, and will undoubtedly infect you.
Monika is a Polish-Canadian designer who likes to dream outside the box. She left the family's fast-paced city life to jump into the unknown of life at sea, and never looked back. Being a naturally cowardly cat, she faces each challenge with a petrifying panic, climbs the wall of her own limitations and throws herself deep inside it.
We left Toronto, Ontario, four years ago, on board our sloop "Rodeo". Follow this link to Rodeo through.
For 3 years they have been in France, in Marseille, where they sail on a 36S Sailboat, in 1985. Designed and built in the Netherlands, it has 2 complete cabins, spacious lounge, well equipped kitchen and a large cabin, all well ventilated. The spacious cockpit allows for comfortable navigation, as well as dinner and rest at meal times, hot and cold water , aft platform with shower.